The Paul Revere House

Location: 19 North Square, Boston, 02113-2405, Massachusetts

täglich, 9:30-16:15 Uhr


The home of one of New England's most legendary figures, the Paul Revere House is to be found in the North End of Boston. Revere was a local silversmith during the 18th century and went on to stand as a Patriot in the American Revolution. Constructed during the 17th century, large sections of the home – including parts of the rafters, inside wall materials, foundations and floors – have remained unchanged since Revere lived there. This has made the Paul Revere House one of the city’s most beloved attractions, for residents of Boston, the wider USA and those paying it a visit. The house is maintained by the Paul Revere Memorial Association and admittance is free all year round, making it a great way to spend the day and learn more about the history and heritage of Massachusetts.

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